1-on-1 Personal Training

Pacific Beach, San Diego

Personal Training & Fitness in a Private Gym


1-on-1 Fitness Training in a Private Gym

You will be training in a small, exclusive facility reserved for personal trainers and fitness clients only. MB Performance is located in Pacific Beach, San Diego and is not open for public membership so there is no waiting for fitness equipment, navigating the gym floor, or dealing with the fear of other people watching you. 


Barbell Pull Up

What is Strength and Conditioning?

Most people think of heavy lifting, Squats-Deadlifts-Bench Presses, followed by lots of grunting, and primarily practiced by “meatheads” and social “influencers”.

The fundamental truth is that strength training is a form of consistent practice used to enhance health, metabolism, and build a long-lasting support system for our bodies to function optimally.

Strength and Conditioning Training can be applied to any fitness level, whether you are starting from ground zero, or it’s “Been a While”. You will reap the benefits as the program is designed specifically for you and your current fitness level.

In short, you don't even need to touch a barbell or have to lift excess weights to experience results from a well designed strength and conditioning program.



Who can benefit from strength training?

Every person from all walks of life and age can and will benefit from strength training, even if it’s just twice per week.

I have clients that range from 14-93 years of age. All with different goals and needs. There is no “one” way to improve strength. When engaged in a personalized fitness program, the methods and processes are completely customized to what is needed, and then combined with the desired outcome.

Every person is unique and will have an individual path to reach their fitness goals, even if that is a common destination.


KB Windmill

Mobility, Joint & Core Focused

Build your strength from the inside-out!

  • It all begins with the initial Assessment/Consultation where I can identify what aspects need to be prioritized and combined with your desired goals.

    A large majority of my clients come in with lower back pains, shoulder impingement/mobility issues, and knee pain.

    Placing the focus on the weak links in the beginning will lead to greater and faster results, as well as fortifying you for the long haul.

    I am a big believer in training for Longevity and working out is a means to increase our quality of life outside the gym, not purely just for looks and likes on social media.

  • Each training session begins with Mobilization/Flexibility drills specific to your needs and Joint Prep prior to the workout

    The prep-work warm ups are designed to meet your specific needs that ultimately align to your overall goals.

  • The Workouts

    Once we have completed our prep-work, we will begin the workouts by activating your core and continue on with your personalized program.

    The workouts will always be matched to your current fitness level and energy level of the day.

    If you are a beginner we will start with the basics and build you up week-by-week.

    If you’re coming in off a long day or week of work, the workouts will be adjusted to you’re energy levels. Thus maximizing the efficiency of each workout and NOT burning you out.

  • Post-Workout Stretches

    The last 5-10 of each training session is reserved for passive stretching. This will aid in the recovery process as well as further improving overall flexibility and mobility.

  • Meal Plans and guidance on how to simplify and maximize efficiency.

    Diet and nutrition is one of the hardest aspects to tackle, however, we will work as a team to make the process as easy as possible.

  • Encouragement & Motivation

    Lot’s of people talk about “accountability”, however, I like to approach fitness with encouragement. If you or anyone for that matter, feels like this is a chore and a daunting task to perform, accountability begins to become meaningless as motivation will begin to digress. I make sure to make the workouts as enjoyable as possible, so you look forward to every session.

Free Consultation/ Assessment

  • The next step is the consultation/assessment. This will start by filling out the contact form below and I will call you within 24 hours.

  • During our phone call we will discuss past and present experiences, any pain or limitations you might currently have, and what you would ultimately like to achieve with training.

    From there we will schedule a time for the free Assessment and get a complete picture of what training will look like.

  • Once you’re in the gym we will move to the floor and go through some basic movement patterns with little to zero weight so I can see how you move and if there are any imbalances, weak spots, and mobility limitations to address first.

  • The consultation/assessment is completely free of charge with no obligation, offering a chance for you to decide if this is the right fit.

  • Please fill out the form below and I will contact you within 24 hours


Rates & Options

I offer 30 & 60 Minute training sessions, both monthly training and session packages.

  • Monthly Training:

    • A card is held on file and charged per month on the sign-up date working just like a membership. Bringing the cost down and saving money.

    • Sessions within the monthly training option are to be completed within each billing cycle unless previously discussed.

  • Session Packages:

    • Session packages do not expire and can be used at your convenience.

    • Sessions packages are slightly more expensive due to the flexibility and open expiration.



Jeremy Sturm - Owner

Can’t wait to meet you and begin your Journey to a fit, healthy lifestyle.