Fundamentals of Fitness

San Diego | Pacific Beach | La Jolla

Train to Enjoy Your Life: This means training is supposed to enhance your life in all aspects. Being able to play with your kids for hours, rolling around with your dog (which can be extremely tiring, lol) play a pickup game at the park. Whatever the case may be, you shouldn’t feel hesitant in fear of injury or fatigue. You want to dive right in and have the best time possible with a high level of confidence. You’re not just training to have glistening muscles and a model physique. It’s More than Just Looks.

Here at Train With Sturm, we will clarify your goals and go through an assessment identifying any pains, tightness, or limitations. Once these, if any, are addressed, you will move forward into your personalized fitness program. One step closer to your goals and a more enjoyable, confident life.

The Four Fundamental Pillars: Laying the Foundation for success.

    • What do these terms mean exactly? Flexibility is the range at which your muscles can lengthen and shorten. A prime example is being able to touch your toes from a standing position, are your hamstrings flexible enough to lengthen and allow you to reach your toes?

    • Mobility is best described as how easily your joints can move (slide, rotate, glide) within their sockets. Two great examples would be, 1. Are your hips and ankles mobile enough to squat down, without having to bend over to grab something up off of the floor? 2. Are your shoulders healthy enough to reach overhead (grabbing, holding, lifting) without having to arch and create unnecessary pressure in the lower back?

    • Both Flexibility AND Mobility lead to overall joint health which is why it is Pillar #1. Healthy Joints Equal a Healthy Body!

    • Most people view the core as only the abs, this however is not true. The core is your trunk in its entirety (abs, obliques, lower back, glutes). Think of a Redwood Tree, the trunk of that tree is SO strong that it can support the weight, height, and natural elements mother nature throws its way.

    • Our core should be just as strong to support our weight, daily movements, and whatever life throws our way. This does not mean doing sit-ups all the time but taking a more focused approach toward’s stability and movement patterns that replicate our daily lives.

    • This is where we improve your posture, standing or seated, and alleviate or prevent, any present, past, or future back pain. Building a strong posterior chain (back, glutes, hamstrings & hips) Will have you feeling pain-free, walking upright and tall with your chest open and shoulders back, and counter-acts the repetitive “slouching” and “rounding” of your upper back.

    • The Posterior Chain is the framework holding the house together, plus who doesn’t love a well-defined back or toned glutes?!

    • Any motions we do with our arms originate from our shoulders. This originates back to mobility and joint health, making sure the joints are able to move through full ranges of motion.

    • From there we will focus on strengthening the rotator cuff muscles, deltoids, lower traps, and serratus anterior muscles. Training all these muscles in combination will support and protect our shoulders, essentially making your shoulders “bullet-proof”.

    • Now that we have laid the foundation and solidified the framework. We can train for any desired outcome. Be it, Weight Loss, Sport Specific, Strength & Conditioning, or just General Fitness.

    • This is where training and workouts really become exciting and fun. Seeing your progression and feeling the improved strength and mobility of your body. No longer feelings of stiffness or weakness.

Please feel free to email, text, or call with any questions you may have. Click the button below for your free consultation. There is no obligation and nothing to lose. No fees and no hassle. An hour of your time can lead to the life change you've been searching for.

- Jeremy Sturm, Train with sturm

Fundamentals Of Fitness