Jeremy Sturm Jeremy Sturm

Training Series: Expectations Vs Reality

Welcome back! In today’s video we will be discussing what to expect when starting a training program, the external and internal factors that play a part in your results, and the realities of it all.

When you are searching for results it can be frustrating when you’re not seeing them, it is my hope that this video will shed some light and prepare you for what’s to come.

If there are any other topics you would like to see discussed please let me know in the comment section below.



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Training Series: Choosing Your Goal

Part 1 of this week’s series will be identifying your goal and why it is important.

To have a definitive understanding of what your training for makes the path to results that much clearer and simpler. Remember in this world of information overload, the best thing you can do is simplify and streamline programs and systems.

When we make our goals and objectives clear it helps to remove distractions, obstacles, and external factors that can potentially throw a “wrench” in the works.

Watch the video below to find out more and stay tuned for the next post in this series.

Have a great day!



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Hip Series: Joint Strength

Part 3 of 3: In our final video of the Hip Series, we will cover some simple exercises to strengthen the hip joints and surrounding muscles.

If you have not seen parts 1 & 2, or have been following along, this will be the last set of exercises you perform making your hips stronger, increasing mobility, and alleviating pain.

For the exercises in this video, sets and reps goes as follows:

  • Banded Abductions & Extensions: 3 sets of 20 reps per side

  • Single Leg Bridges: 3 sets of 15-20 per side

  • Psoas March: 3 sets of 10-15 per side

Go ahead and give the whole series a try and let me know in the comments how it went!


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Hip Series: Joint Mobility

Part 2 of 3: In this video we will be going over simple mobility drills to perform following the soft tissue release techniques. It is important to run through the release methods before moving onto mobility for best results.

No equipment is needed for these mobility drills, just a lil patience and consistency will drastically open your hips and relieve lower back pain.

Perform each mobility exercise for 10 reps for 3 sets each. If you notice that one side is much tighter than the other, go ahead and do 20 reps for that side, but that side only. We do not want to over-mobilize a joint.

Give me a shout in the comments below and let me know how they went.


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Hip Series: Soft Tissue Release

In this video, we will be using a foam roller to release the four main muscles that create tension in the hips and ultimately lead to lower back pain.

These muscles are the Piriformis, Hamstrings, Tensor Facia Latte, and the Upper Quads. Decompressing these muscles will not only lead to less pain but will drastically improve mobility in your hips.

You will want to spend roughly 1-2 minutes on each muscle group depending on pain tolerance. The more you foam roll your tolerance will improve resulting in a greater release.

Opening the hips will further benefit you with the major compound lifts such as Squats, Deadlifts, and Hip Thrusts. Save this video and give these methods a try. I promise your hips and lower back will thank you.


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Topic of the Week: Hips

As Shakira once sang, “The Hips Don’t Lie” and she couldn’t have been more correct!

Having tight hips will directly lead to lower back pain, sciatica pain, weakened glutes, and the list can go on.

Good news is, we can not only prevent any of these issues but also relieve the above mentioned pains with a few simple drills and exercise's.

This weeks series will be covering

  • Soft-Tissue Release using a foam roller

  • Simple mobility drills to open up the hips

  • Strengthening exercises to reinforce the musculature surrounding the hip joint

If you have any further questions please feel free to leave a comment or reach out to me directly. I’d love to help in any way I can.


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Common Shoulder Problem & How to Fix Them

We all at some point have nagging shoulder problems. In this Four Part Series, we will address what the most common causes of shoulder pain are, and the tools and methods used to alleviate shoulder pain :)


Part 1 of 4: Common Causes of Shoulder Pain

Most pain is due to repetitive motions or positions over periods of time. In this video we will go over what these are.

Part 2 of 4: Soft Tissue Release

In part Two, we will explore some of the tools and techniques used to free up the soft tissue surrounding the shoulder joint, thus releasing tension and allowing the shoulder to move more freely.

Part 3 of 4: Shoulder Joint Mobilization

After performing the soft tissue release methods in part two, you will want to work on shoulder mobility. Further releasing tension and the next step to becoming pain-free.

Part 4 of 4: Joint Strength

After all the initial work has been done, we will want to strengthen the muscles surrounding the shoulder joint, providing more stability and structure for the rotator cuff.

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The Benefits of Strength Training

The Many Benefits of Strength Training & Weightlifting

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Jeremy Sturm - Owner of Train With Sturm Personal Training

Pacific Beach, San Diego, Ca

What exactly is Strength Training?

Strength training is the act of lifting weights to create dense muscle fibers, thereby leading to an aesthetic physique, higher metabolism, and muscular endurance.

Common styles of strength training and weightlifting you may be familiar with or have heard of include, but are not limited to…

  • Bodybuilding

  • Crossfit

  • HIIT

  • Powerlifting

Some specific types of strength training you may be unfamiliar with, but are not limited to…

  • Hypertrophy Training: Most common practice amongst bodybuilders. The goal is to increase muscle density and size by using moderate to heavy loads (weights) in a range of 8-12 reps. Best for beginners just starting

  • Strength Training: Here the goal is to improve maxim strength over a period of time through progressive overloading. Working with heavy to very heavy weights in a range of 1-5 reps with much longer rest periods. Best for those with a good base knowledge and experience with working out.

  • Dynamic & Explosive Power Training: This type of training is commonly performed by athletes, with the goal of increasing both power and speed. Working in various set/rep schemes, and executing lifts in an extremely forceful manner. Best for those looking to improve their athletic ability and enjoy getting after it.

  • Circuit Training: The second most common style behind hypertrophy, is training in full-body workouts. Think of Crossfit, F45, or any class-based gym in your area where multiple muscle groups are worked in a single session. Best for those who have a great knowledge of how to control their body and are able to shift quickly between movements.

No one style is better overall than the other. They are all great for what they are intended for. Knowing exactly what your goals are will help determine the style of training you should practice. 

Some of the Many Benefits

Here we will cover a portion of the advantages of strength training. This list does not cover all of the incredible benefits of strength training, as that list can go on and on, and on, and on.

Boost Your Self-Esteem & Confidence

As a beginner to weightlifting, you will begin to notice your confidence improve and eventually skyrocket. As it is scientifically proven that weight training promotes self-reliance, through the ability to perform and complete tasks and goals while training.

And let us not forget the joy and pride you will feel as your friends, family, and coworkers alike begin to comment on weight loss, muscle tone, and how well you generally look.

P.S. It is also proven that being in shape makes you physically much more attractive, as a fit body is aesthetically pleasing and cannot be purchased. It must be worked for with dedication and consistency.

Increases Mood & Cognitive Function

Consistently exercising and pushing yourself to physical exertion leads to a natural release of endorphins.  Studies have also shown that regular training reduces anxiety and is arguably the best/healthiest anti-depressant known.

With a reduction of anxiety, and a natural flood of endorphins to boost your mood and confidence. Your mind will clear and you can begin to think sharply, and strategically, with less emotional reaction and or overthinking. 

Burning Calories, All. Day. Long!

Really, how does strength training do that? 

You may be under the impression that doing cardio is best for burning calories. While steady-state cardio is great for burning calories immediately, Strength Training takes the gold medal here.

Strength Training and Weightlifting increase your metabolism in two ways:

  1. Muscles are metabolically more efficient than fat mass and require more energy to recover than fat mass. Thus burning more calories at rest and while you sleep.

  2. Studies have shown that after a proper strength training session, the metabolic rate can be increased up to 72 hours afterward. Collectively burning far more calories than a single cardio session.

Build Lean Muscle and Increase Muscle Mass

Typically when an individual embarks on a training program, their goal is to lose “weight”, and are often disappointed when the number on the scale doesn’t change.

This is because muscle weighs more than fat, and at the beginning of training you will gain muscle quickly and see little change on the scale. To be honest, you may not see a change in the mirror immediately either.

However, I promise you stick with it and you will eventually see the excess fat melt away and the muscle definition begin to shine. 

As the density of the muscle increases, it will require more energy (calories) from the body to recover. Which will shed fat and create the ever-sought-after, “toned” look. 

This takes a little time for the process to really kick in. But when it does, oh will you be happy. 

Strengthen Bones and Reduce Risk of Injury

Strength Training and Weightlifting are both proven to not only slow Osteopenia but in some cases can reverse the process and increase bone density. 

The stronger your bones, the lower your odds are of experiencing an injury. Strength Training will also improve the resilience of your tendons and ligaments, adding longevity to your life.

Now what do you do?

With the information you have just read, it should be clear that there is zero downside to starting a weightlifting program. 

If you are new to working out and the gym, I suggest you seek a personal trainer (wink, wink) that can assess your current physical state and capabilities. The trainer should be able to design a program that is appropriate for you as an individual and guide you through the proper form and technique of each exercise.

Working out is not without its risks and safety should always be at the forefront when training, following the Fundamentals of Fitness.

While engaging in a strength training program may seem scary at first, with the help of a great personal trainer, the rewards will far outweigh any perceived risks, and safely lead you on the path to a stronger, healthier, more confident you. 


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