Personal Strength Training

Pacific Beach San Diego

Finally, a Training Program for adults Who Want Privacy, Comfort, and Results!

Below you will Find:

  • Training Gallery

  • The Benefits of Hiring a Personal Trainer

  • Rates & Options

  • The Philosophy

  • The Training Process and How it Works

  • Contact Links

Training Gallery

“The Benefits”

There are obviously the standard benefits of losing weight and gaining muscle. However, let’s highlight some of the real values of hiring a Personal Trainer, and how that benefits you.

  • Training with Fitness Coach or Personal Trainer 3 days a week can eliminate the need for you to hit the gym on your own. This is especially beneficial if you have fear or anxiety when it comes to public gyms.

  • Hiring a Personal Trainer completely liberates you from having to plan workouts, track the sets, reps, and weights used. This means one less thing to dwell over, one less item on your to-do list, and one less stressor in your life. Freeing up more time for you or the family.

  • Working with a Fitness Professional ensures that your workouts are going to be the most beneficial and efficient for you personally. Your Time Matters. Your workouts should net you the best return on your investment.

  • This list can go on and on, However I will end with this. The Personal Trainer you hire should be fun to be around. You should be enjoying yourself during, and feel better than before after each session. If the sessions feel like a chore, or a daunting task, the goals and results will ultimately follow that energy and fail to be realized.

  • Your Fitness Journey should be an amazing experience!

Rates & Options

Monthly Option #1: 3x per Week Training

  • 12 Sessions Per Month

  • Flexible Scheduling

  • Scheduled appointments boosting accountability

  • Education and game plan for balancing the foods you love

  • Best Value

  • Guaranteed Results

  • $70 Per session

Monthly Cost: $840 (Discounts for Bulk Purchase)

Monthly Option #2: 2x per week training

  • 8 Sessions Per Month

  • Flexible Scheduling

  • Scheduled appointments boosting accountability

  • Education and game plan for balancing the foods you love

  • Guaranteed Results

  • $80 Per Session

Monthly Cost: $640 (Discounts for Bulk Purchase)

Option #3: Pay As You Go

  • No Long Term commitment or Large Upfront Purchase

  • Perfect for those with varying schedules

  • Meal Guidance and Templates

  • Schedule in at your convenience

  • Only pay when you book in

Cost: $100 Per Session

“The Philosophy”

The Philosophy I practice is a simple one, we should all be healthy enough to move around with ease, get from floor to standing without struggle, and to have the strength to be fearless in our pursuits of life.

Unfortunately, societal norms have absolutely crushed and distorted our views on what it means to be not only healthy, but fit and strong.

  • Being fit doesn’t mean you “have” to have 6 pack abs.

  • Being healthy doesn’t mean depriving yourself of delicious foods and eating broccoli everyday, GROSS!

  • Being Strong doesn’t mean you have to risk injury trying to lift heavier than is appropriate or necessary.

Being “fit” is the ability to move your body in all ranges of motion without pain or limitation.

Being “Strong” is maintaining a level of strength that brings you confidence, protects your joints, and removes the fear of going outside and having fun.

I’ll describe “Being Healthy” as having a sound mind, a constructive way to relieve stress, and having positive internal and external environments in your life. These are real metrics of Health!

“The Training Process”

How the process works and how you will progress

The Assessment

  • In order to create an actual personalized program, we must do an assessment first.

  • This is an easy process of identifying weaknesses and strengths in balance, mobility, joints, and unilateral movement.

  • We will also go over Postural positioning and core strength, as these two are paramount in training.

  • You will NOT have to do some insane fitness test. That is reserved for established athletes and competitors.

Tackling the Priorities

  • Once we have our data, we can move forward by strengthening ALL of the weak links first.

  • We don’t want to build strength on previous imbalances, doing so is a recipe for disaster and an inevitable injury down the road.

  • As we balance the body, strengthening the weak links, we will simultaneously be mastering the fundamentals of movement, i.e. Squat, Lunge, Hinge, Push, Press, Pull, Rotation.

  • I will also teach you the “Mind-to-Muscle” connection, which is the process of understanding how to activate specific muscles and turn other muscles off. This is really a fun process and one of my favorites to coach. I love when I see the clients eyes light up when it happens.

Progressive Overload

  • This may sound aggressive, but it is rather methodical.

  • Progressive Overload is simply the act of increasing either reps, sets, or weight each week for specific exercises. Compounding the strength of the movement and the muscles involved.

  • Think of this as adding to your 401k or Index Fund every month and watching it grow.

  • I have taken a client who was barely able to squat 100lbs, to in 8 weeks was able to squat 215 pounds. This is just an example, but the mathematical process can be applied to any movement with any starting point, such as bands or simply bodyweight.

Goal Specific

  • Once we have developed a balanced and solid foundation, we can get into all the fun, specific goals you have.

  • These goals can be purely aesthetic with a “hint” of vanity, lol, to something much more targeted and aligned with your lifestyle and values.

  • I must note, that you will be developing muscle and shedding excess weight in the process leading to this stage. Fun, right?!

  • However, we have to build a solid frame for the house before we start adding granite counter tops, if you follow my analogy.

The Sessions

  • We begin each session with soft tissue release methods, ranging from foam rolling to assisted mobility and stretching, and even using IASTM tools and techniques.

  • Dynamic warm Ups are always a must, which typically are mobility movements that warm up the muscles and prepare the joints for activity.

  • Following the aforementioned, we will dive into our workout for the day, building strength, balance, coordination, and we’ll share some laughs along the way. Having a little bit of fun is an absolute must!

  • The final 5-10 minutes of each session is reserved for passive stretching to further improve your flexibility and reduce DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness)

Ready To get Started?

Call, Text, or Email to schedule a Phone Call and your Initial Fitness Assessment